On Sun, 2009-12-27 at 14:23 +0100, Sam Geeraerts wrote:
> Lars Nooden schreef:
> > I also notice that when trying to use apm to put the machine into sleep 
> > mode (apm -s), apm gives an error:
> >     "Cannot open APM device: No such device"
> > 
> > apmd seems not to run, even manually (/usr/bin/apmd), and there seems 
> > not to be a mode to launch the daemon in the foreground.  The only clue 
> > in /var/log/daemon.log is the line something like:
> >     "apmd[xxxx]: main(): open() failed: No such device"
> You may want to use pm-utils, as noted in the rmslinuxforyou setup: 
> http://config.fsf.org/rms/wiki?name=rms+linux+for+you

Hi, Sam

Is there a compressed basic gnewsense system for YeeLoong(.tar.bz2?)? I
have installed one, but it is a little old. I have tried to update it,
but the network is very slow from here to the archive.gnewsense.org.

I have tested the linux 2.6.32 for loongson with the standard debian
system 6.0, most of them works well, I plan to test it and the later
version with gnewsense, and need to install the latest gnewsense at

        Wu Zhangjin

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