On Sun, 07 Mar 2010 17:25:28 +0100
Sam Geeraerts <sam...@elmundolibre.be> wrote:

> Karl Goetz schreef:
> > On Sat, 06 Mar 2010 22:25:43 -0500
> > Luis Felipe Lopez Acevedo <sirga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> >> El dom, 07-03-2010 a las 13:38 +1030, Karl Goetz escribió:
> >>> It requires entering dates, so they would have to be entered then
> >>> ignored. Seems a pretty ridiculous setup to me :(
> >>>
> >> No, you can configure that to make them optional (empty values are
> >> accepted).
> > 
> > You can make the year empty. I don't see a way to remove the
> > remainder of the date (either completely or make it empty).
> Do you need to change any of these date fields when creating a new
> task? If you can just accept the defaults then it's only slightly
> annoying rather then very annoying, imo.

imo its very annoying, so we'll have to disagree on this :)

> Do you know if there's a support ticket about this? I couldn't find
> any.

I don't recall - I've not looked since I last dealt with it.

> > I've enabled the task tracker so we can look at it as we discuss:
> > https://savannah.nongnu.org/task/?func=additem&group=gnewsense
> Still says "This project has turned off this tracker."

oops. i turned it off before i went to bed.

> >>>> Also, just as a thought, if the list of projects were moved to
> >>>> bugs on Savannah, someone would need to remember to go back &
> >>>> update the HTH pages when it's complete. Probably not a big deal,
> >>>> but it might be
> >>> They have to do that now.
> >>>
> >> Or you could use only the task manager for that and delete the todo
> >> lists in the HTH pages for each team.
> I'm probably stating the obvious, but I'll mention it anyway. I see
> the separation like this:
> - *Team pages: list responsibilities. E.g. Builder, gNewSenseToMIPS, 
> forwarding bugs.
> - Tasks: work we'd like to see done, it's predefined what it means
> for it to get status "Completed" (not necessarily when it will be 
> completed); no need for these to be also on the *Team pages. E.g.
> wiki migration, port Ubiquity.
> - Bugs: faults that need to be fixed. E.g. package aee must be
> removed [non-free].

Doesn't hurt to remind us now and then.

> Some things can have both a bug report and a task item associated,
> e.g. "Graphics on YeeLoong suck" and "Backport Siliconmotion driver".

Karl Goetz, (Kamping_Kaiser / VK5FOSS)
Debian contributor / gNewSense Maintainer
No, I won't join your social networking group

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