
many people often need updated informations about the gnewsense
repositories (sources.list entries, pubkeys, ...) to check/fix the
repositories they have in their sources.list and the corresponding

so please let me suggest having a "gNS repositories reference page" on
the gnewsense website (better if in the main index), in order to:
- have a list of all the sources.list entries (all components: main,
  security, updates, backports, ...) for each gNS release (deltad,
  metad, ...)
- have a list of all the corresponding signatures (linking the pubkeys
  for downloading)
- have a changelog (maybe it could be the page history) 

so the advantage having just such one place where put all the
repositories related infos should be either for developers (which could
put here all the infos, keep them updated, and use just links writing to
the gNS mailing lists) or for users (which could quickly find all
the updated references they need, without asking developers or writing
to the gNS mailing lists)

to me, it seems to be a good idea but... 
if it is not, please sorry :-)

al3xu5 / dotcommon

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