Karl Goetz schreef:
On Fri, 30 Apr 2010 11:52:56 +0200
al3xu5 / dotcommon <dotcom...@autistici.org> wrote:


many people often need updated informations about the gnewsense
repositories (sources.list entries, pubkeys, ...) to check/fix the
repositories they have in their sources.list and the corresponding

so please let me suggest having a "gNS repositories reference page" on
the gnewsense website (better if in the main index), in order to:
- have a list of all the sources.list entries (all components: main,
  security, updates, backports, ...) for each gNS release (deltad,

deltad no longer has binary packages, so only source URIs would be

  metad, ...)

This will loose its public binaries a year or two after gns3 releases.

So relevant for at least another two years.

- have a list of all the corresponding signatures (linking the pubkeys
  for downloading)
- have a changelog (maybe it could be the page history)

changelog of repositories ??

As in the recent metad/updates change. But those changes are only interesting when they happen, not a few months after. They get announced on the mailing list, so I don't see a need for a changelog.

so the advantage having just such one place where put all the
repositories related infos should be either for developers (which
could put here all the infos, keep them updated, and use just links

Developers change the repository info in python-apt, and only i have
access to the signing keys.

I guess al3xu5 means developers in the broad sense, including user support.

writing to the gNS mailing lists) or for users (which could quickly
find all the updated references they need, without asking developers
or writing to the gNS mailing lists)

We should really fix /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list and cite
that. ( High priority bug, since it talks about debians non-free repos)

Also a bug in deltah, it seems: https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/index.php?29729

to me, it seems to be a good idea but... if it is not, please sorry :-)

Its not a /bad/ idea, i'm just not sure duplicating the data is
helpful. Other thoughts?

I don't remember any questions about the keys (apart from when they expired), so when we have the example sources.list I don't see a need to put something on the wiki. Anyone is free to do it anyway, of course. If that happens and it turns out there's a real use for it then we can still move it to www.

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