On Fri, 30 Apr 2010 11:52:56 +0200
al3xu5 / dotcommon <dotcom...@autistici.org> wrote:

> hi
> many people often need updated informations about the gnewsense
> repositories (sources.list entries, pubkeys, ...) to check/fix the
> repositories they have in their sources.list and the corresponding
> signatures
> so please let me suggest having a "gNS repositories reference page" on
> the gnewsense website (better if in the main index), in order to:
> - have a list of all the sources.list entries (all components: main,
>   security, updates, backports, ...) for each gNS release (deltad,

deltad no longer has binary packages, so only source URIs would be

>   metad, ...)

This will loose its public binaries a year or two after gns3 releases.

> - have a list of all the corresponding signatures (linking the pubkeys
>   for downloading)
> - have a changelog (maybe it could be the page history) 

changelog of repositories ??

> so the advantage having just such one place where put all the
> repositories related infos should be either for developers (which
> could put here all the infos, keep them updated, and use just links

Developers change the repository info in python-apt, and only i have
access to the signing keys.

> writing to the gNS mailing lists) or for users (which could quickly
> find all the updated references they need, without asking developers
> or writing to the gNS mailing lists)

We should really fix /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list and cite
that. ( High priority bug, since it talks about debians non-free repos)

> to me, it seems to be a good idea but... 
> if it is not, please sorry :-)

Its not a /bad/ idea, i'm just not sure duplicating the data is
helpful. Other thoughts?

Karl Goetz, (Kamping_Kaiser / VK5FOSS)
Debian contributor / gNewSense Maintainer
No, I won't join your social networking group

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