Op Wed, 12 Feb 2014 10:30:51 +0400
schreef Stanislav German-Evtushenko <ginerm...@gmail.com>:

> Could you tell me what is debderiver, how to use and when?

Debderiver [1] is a wrapper around reprepro. It takes a distribution
list [2] and blacklist [3] and converts them to a reprepro
configuration. It then filters the source distribution (in our case
Squeeze) repo and includes any packages in the incoming or include
directories and produces the target distribution (Parkes) repo. We run
it in a daily cronjob.

> Is there any local repository for sources of deb packages or most of
> them are pulled directly from deb repository?

We get all our packages from the Debian repository. The packages that
we modify are blacklisted and we put our own versions in the incoming
directory to be included.

[1] http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/gnewsense/debderiver/files

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