Op Thu, 13 Feb 2014 09:37:55 +0400
schreef Stanislav German-Evtushenko <ginerm...@gmail.com>:

> What about livecd building, are there any ready to use building
> scripts?

We use Debian Live. It goes something like:

mkdir live
cd live
apt-get install live-build
cp /usr/share/live/build/examples/auto/* auto/

Overwrite auto/config with:

lb config noauto \
--mode gnewsense-release --distribution parkes \
--packages-lists "gnome-desktop" \
--debian-installer live \
--packages "debian-installer-launcher network-manager-gnome" \
--bootappend-live "file=/preseed.cfg persistent" \
--linux-flavours 486 \
--iso-preparer "gNewSense developers <gnewsense-dev@nongnu.org>" \
--iso-publisher "gNewSense GNU/Linux, http://www.gnewsense.org/"; \
--source true \

apt-get source galaxia
cp galaxia-*/installer-theme/galaxia-installer-banner.png
cp /usr/share/live/build/examples/hooks/all_binary_debian-installer-banner.sh
lb config
lb build

The resulting binary-hybrid.iso is the live image. Have a look at the
Debian Live website [1] for further information. Be sure to at least
change iso-preparer and iso-publisher if you're going to publish your
own images.

[1] http://live.debian.net/

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