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At some point hitherto, Kevin D. Clark hath spake thusly:
> > BTW, this is actually a fairly good example of
> > why my immune system always concludes that I'm
> > in physical danger when perl code is visible...

I would point out that it's just as possible to write virtually
unintelligible code in C as it is in Perl.  The Twelve Days of
Christmas always comes to mind...

> Honestly, I wrote that one-liner more with the intent of showing you
> how cool Perl is, not with the intent of scaring you off from Perl.

And yet the example you provided was far more suited to the latter...
I've made some effort to learn Perl, and have written more than a
handful of programs using it, some of which were long, and some of
which were useful (though not necessarily both).  The problem I have
always had with Perl is twofold:

1. Perl seems to favor supporting a variety of features with obscure,
meaningless, two-character variables that might be clearer with flags
or arguments to functions that make use of it.  An example is the $|
variable...  Additionally, it seems to like to take concepts that are
common in other languages, and do them in an entirely different way.
An example of this would be the equivalent of a structure in C (or
Pascal or whatever).  Whereas in many ways, Perl seems to have gone
out of its way to work like other common Unix tools/languages (shell
scripting, C, sed/grep), in others it seems to go out of its way to do
things in such a way as to be as confusing as possible.

2.  The people who like to program Perl seem to have a propensity to
prefer to write code which takes advantage of all the obscure
features, and generally to write code which is unreadable.

I reject the notion that it is not possible to write readable code in
Perl.  I prefer to think that Perlheads just like it that way.  =8^)

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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