Preface every statement with "IIRC":

On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 10:34:55AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all,
> In mucking around with the mii-tools from Donald Becker, I noticed in 
> the man page that you can set a fixed speed for your card.  The 
> choices given are:
>       100baseT4
The "original" 100Mbit.  Used 4 pairs?  Not used anymore, or at least
by anything modern.

>       100baseTx
>       100baseTx-FD
>       100baseTx-HD
What we would consider "standard" 100Mbit.  The Tx has nothing to do
with transmit.

>       10baseT
>         10baseT-FD
>       10baseT-HD
Good 'ol 10BT.

If you think this is confusing, wait till you get to Gig-E over fiber.
Would you like multi-mode or single-mode fiber?  How about at least 3
different kinds of connectors?


> What is 100baseT4?  And why would you set a speed of 100baseTx-HD.  
> Is that really setting only the transmit speed to 100MB/HD?  Why/when 
> would you ever have a situation where you'd need tx at HD, and rx at 
> FD?  Or vice-versa, and why not have a 100baseRx-HD setting?
> Anyone understand this better than I do? (btw, I search for 
> answers, and either couldn't find them, or looked in the wrong place :)
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