On Sat, 28 Dec 2002, at 1:37pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> So some fsckwad is using my good name to send spam.  Either that,
>> or there's a new spam going around that just says 'fuck you'.
> Fascinating.  Why would anybody do such a thing to you? 

  Spammers often spoof the 'From' header to be someone else's email address,
to make the spam hard to trace.  They have to choose *someone's* email
address when they do that.  They often choose one from the same pool of
addresses they harvest from.  So, someone unlucky soul gets lots of hate
mail from upset lusers who just hit the 'Reply' button.  I've been in that
position myself, before.  It's great fun.  </SARCASM>

>> So, time to start signing with GPG so at least I know when I sent
>> something, and the rest of you do, too.  I've got mutt set up on
> What would have been different if you'd used GPG?

  Very little, IMO.  Even if said lusers know what GPG is, they have no way
of knowing the forged sender uses it.  And people the victim already knows
generally will realize from context that the the sender did not send the
message in question.  It doesn't even prove the sender did not send the
spam, since voluntary crypto-systems like GPG don't provide non-repudiation.

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