In a message dated: Tue, 07 Jan 2003 11:38:19 EST
"Ken D'Ambrosio" said:

>Howdy, all.  Back in the olde days (you know -- a whopping 2.5 years ago),
>I know that there was a utility to transfer NIS maps to LDAP.  Alas, I
>seem to recall that it was superseded, and I can't figure out quite how to
>do it now.  Any ideas?


I know openldap comes with such a tool, but I hadn't heard that it 
had been superceded.  Does the original tool no longer do what you 
need?  Could you use that for now to initially populate your LDAP 

Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

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   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

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