>Kenny or mod, both of whom, if they had cared to I'm
>sure, could have figured either one-liner out in as
>much time.

You're right, of course - I did.  And I hope
nobody took any offense at my request for
explanations.  FYI, when I asked for y'all to
explain your one-liners I did it (as much as
anything else) for the benefit of the silent
lurkers today and those who might be cruising
these archives in future.  I like to think the
GNHLUG list is good for that sort of thing.

When I (and others, I assume) gripe about Perl
we're not demanding that full enlightenment
leap directly from the source code on the
page/screen into our neural pathways with no
prior expenditure of time or effort on the part
of the reader.

But here I am trying to add Perl to the list
of languages I know and, in some senses, Perl
pisses me off because it *is* familiar - it's a
Frankenstein tangle of bleeding chunks ripped
from various other languages that I'm expert
in.  It's the same, only different.  With Perl,
those similarities trick me into thinking that
I know what's going on when I really don't.
Maybe I'd have more patience with it if it
was completely UNfamiliar...

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