On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 12:49:32PM -0500, Derek Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But experienced programmers with no knowledge of Perl are, I suspect,
> a lot more likely to guess what they do than to guess what that
> obscure map bit does.

    Perhaps.  But someone knowledgable about software languages in
general should understand map().  map()-like features are common in
functional languages such as LISP.  In fact, both map() and the BLOCK
syntax for grep take a page from functional programming, as then take an
anonymous block of code and apply it to a list of data, returning
another list.  Very LISP-like, the more I think about it.

    If one make a living writing software and is not at least mildly
familiar with functional programming, they should learn.

 "It [Linux] actually has been mildly frustrating that so many people
  are unwilling to pay us for service and support because the damn
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