I'm curious why you think that is arcane[1]? I was about to remark something amazingly similar to mod, but got distracted and Derek beat me to it[2] :)

That knowledge is indispensable to anyone who needs to debug user environments (e.g. a sysadmin).

Are you saying it's arcane just because you didn't know it, or because you do, but didn't expect anyone else to.

(I'm just trying to figure out where you're coming from, no insult is meant by this line of questioning.)
Because I didn't know it. And I had never heard of a getpwent() function, nor did I know that sysadmins often resorted to knowledge of C structs and pointers in the course of their work. (I don't run a Linux box, I just have an account on a friend's, so this man page isn't something I've ever seen before. And the machine I *do* run is MacOS X, which doesn't use an /etc/passwd file for user info.)

Arcaneness is just relative, I guess.


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