On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, Jon Hall wrote:
> I am writing a talk on "What Excites Me" about Linux.  The object of this
> talk is to not only talk about the philosophical things that excites me, but
> honest to goodness "neat" programs.

I really the tummy.com cid server:

I use this to read CallerID info from the modem I have connected to my 
linux box.  It takes this and uses the Perl Net::AIM module to send an AOL 
Instant Message to me when people call my house.  I believe I stole most 
of the source from the example perl script that came with the aim module.  
It's available at:

(Feel free to improve upon this if you want, I haven't touched the code in 
over a year and I'm sure it's not the best in the world.)



A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. 

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