You seem to be asking about applications.  I apologize, I'm not a
heavy application user.  Or, at least, not typical applications.
(are XEmacs and gcc applications?  they're probably what I use most)

My admiration of Unix (and Linux in particular) can be summed up in
this quote:

        With a PC, I always felt limited by the software available. On
        Unix, I am limited only by my knowledge.
         -- Peter J Schoenster  

Basically, when I see a Linux box, complete with Emacs, gcc et al.,
make, gdb, LaTeX+TeX and an efficient, featureful kernel, all COMPLETE
WITH SOURCE CODE, I see a box that I can learn a lot from, hack on,
and make it do interesting and useful things.



PS  I identify a lot with John Abreau's "glasses" analogy too.

Kevin D. Clark / Cetacean Networks / Portsmouth, N.H. (USA)!kclark (GnuPG ID: B280F24E)!kdc

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