On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 03:59:47PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated: 24 Mar 2003 15:48:05 EST
> Jeff Macdonald said:
> >Interesting, not even a point release for Redhat 8.0!
> Why does that scare me :)
> Was 8.0 that bad that only another .0 release could fix it?
Bah.  I think people were hoping they'd do that with 7.  Then
again, 7.0 stank enough to only prove the old .0 adage.

> Or was 8.0 really that stable? (would be a good thing :)
For the most part, yes.  It's been a mostly well-behaved for
any point release, and especially well-behaved for a .0.

> If 8.0 was really that stable, does that mean they're QA'ing things 
> that much more rigorously?  Can we expect RH's release schedule to 
> now only be .0 releases that are rock solid?

Maybe this is so RH can be bought out by AOL. Aren't they at 9 now
as well? (psst, ;)


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