On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 16:10, Travis Roy wrote:
> > Was 8.0 that bad that only another .0 release could fix it?
> That would be my guess.. Their "BlueCurve" thing didn't go over to well..

I hope they keep it. I do believe that another vendor is creating a
unified Gnome/KDE desktop.

> Plus it can't play or encode MP3s out of the box.. not that it's hard to
> fix, but it was annoying.

OGG works for me. :-)

>  8.0 is also EXTREAMLY bloated.

How so?

>  There were some
> things I liked about it, but most of it I didn't. It makes a good
> workstation linux,

Yes, it is a good workstation, and I think bluecurve helps a lot.

>  I would never run it as a server,

why? Whose dist. would you choose?

>  and Mandrake makes a
> better workstation linux.. at least for the masses.

yes, but will they be around the next few years?

I've been a long time redhat user, it works for me. This isn't meant to
be a flame war, I'm just curious.

Jeff Macdonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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