I agree that two of these devices aren't entirely necessary unless we want
to use VPNs to access each site where they will eventually be installed. I
was thinking that it would be easy to stage them to check out how the VPN
tunnel would work and make any adjustments. The WAN side of the gateways
should just be talking on a network right? So that means that theoretically,
I should just be able to assign them to the same network segment address and
they should see each other and communications should work as if they were
really hooked up to a DSL or Cable-modem. Last night I bypassed my LinkSys
firewall/router and tried both 3Com boxes and they both worked correctly
using the DHCP assigned IP addresses (Comcast/Attbi/Mediaone). So at that
level they both appear to be working correctly. The nice thing about these
gateways is that they have built-in PPTP/IPsec tunnel servers. That way I
don't need to expose any systems on the LAN for purposes of establishing a
tunnel connection. I guess if these two boxes were directly hooked together
they would need a cross-over cable between them but today I thought I'd use
a cross-over cable tied directly to a PC to see if that will work using just
one gateway box.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Derek Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: Dumb networking question...

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 07:40:15PM -0500, Hewitt Tech wrote:
> My question is "Do I have the gateway addresses set correctly. The only
> thing connecting the two hubs is the CAT5 cable. My assumption is that
> setting the first device's gateway address to the device 2's static WAN
> address and vice-versa should allow the two hubs to communicate properly.

I'd have to say that this is almost certainly wrong.  As far as I can
see, you've created a routing loop.  But I can't begin to make
suggestions as to how to fix it, since I don't know what the rest of
the network looks like.  That you need two of these devices seems
dubious, but without understanding what you're trying to accomplish,
it's hard to say where to go from here.

- --
Derek D. Martin

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