On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 12:29, Steven W. Orr wrote:

> But I really do think that it's somewhat important to find out why easynet
> thinks that gnhlug.org is a spammer? I doubt that it's the case, but have
> we checked that we are not a relay (or never were). Whatever the reason
> is, we really should track it down and prove to them that we are worthy of
> not being blocked. If the reason turns out to be bad *then* we can condemn
> easynet.

I checked ghnlug.org ( with rblcheck, and I found that 
easynet.nl is the only one filtering it. According to their (huge) 
blockedIPs.txt file:       Open Proxy \

(The file is about 30 MB, and contains over 400,000 lines.I didn't 
see any way to check a specific address, other than downloading 
this monter and grep'ing it afterward.)

The Abreau Family

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