more than a theory. WIth the Linky befsr41, some of the newer firmware is (using
a highly technical term here), crap. Some of the 1.43.x releases had problems causing the
router to hang often. Fortunately, I had kept some older releases around and was able to
flash back to a stable 1.42.x version (.7 is good). As usual, if it's not broken...

every brand seems to have some problems and some good points. I and a lot of others
have had real good luck with this unit. I've known some dlink, smc, netgear to work and
not work too...

The other thing that I have found is to keep the AP separate from the router. This has come
in handy when the location for the router isn't optimal as I can move the AP to a better
location without resorting to boosters. And, when it's time to upgrade to a newer AP or to
the VPN router, I can do it without taking everything down...


> I have the same thing and 2 of my friends do as well - we all had the same
> issue... all of a sudden, the thing just started freaking out,

   I've personally seen both sides of this case.  I'm on my second
BEFW11S4, having left the first with my parents for them to use.  I
typically use mine as an AP/switch only, and my parents use theirs as a
gateway to TW RoadRunner service.  I have had no problems with either one.
   Two cow-orkers recently purchased this model on my recommendation and
have each had problems with theirs.  Off the top of my head I can remember
DHCP/PPPoE dropouts, port forwarding mixups, and general flakiness.
Usable, but frustrating.

   My best theory on the issue is that this particular model has been
"improved" to its current state.  My two units were both purchased 1-2
years ago and are the original hardware release.  The other two were new
in the last 6-9 months, and are probably version 3 or 3.2.  It's quite
possible that recent versions just aren't as stable as the original and no
amount of firmware patching can fix it.
   But that's just a theory.

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