On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, at 7:50pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> if I remember correctly, it's that du gets the size in K and then if you
> ask for bytes, converts the K to bytes... but it's been awhile.

  What "du" actually does is use the "stat" family of system calls to find
information about the file's inode.  The stat data includes a field that
includes the number of blocks used to store the inode's data.  A "block", in
the context of "stat", is always 512 bytes in size.  So the answer (from
"stat" or anything that uses it) will always be a multiple of 512.  But I am
seeing differences in the hundreds of kilobytes, not just 512 or so bytes.

  Another list reader suggested, off-list, that the numbers I am seeing
might include filesystem blocks used as "indirect blocks", which I had
forgotten all about.  That explanation does seem possible, even likely, at
least for this particular example file (a very large, single file).  I'm
going to have to do a little more exploring before I'm satisfied that is the
right answer "everywhere" ("everywhere" being defined as "on the systems it
has become a concern for me").  :-)

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