On Sunday, Aug 3rd 2003 at 10:44 -0400, quoth Morbus Iff:

=>>A while ago I switched from Majordomo to Majordomo2. The two systems are
=>>not even vaguely related. MJ2 is a total rewrite and includes as part of
=>>its functionality a web interface as well as archiving also with a web
=>>interface. To leave it at that would be to enormously understate its
=>>functionality. Also, IMNSHO, mj2 totally blows the doors off of Mailman.
=>Whoa, mj2 actually exists now? Last I knew (four years ago?),
=>it was vaporware, and was well on its way to being Duke Nukem.

MJ2 home page is at http://www.math.uh.edu/majordomo/
The src code is available only via CVS but don't let that scare you. It 
really is stable. I loaded it up and never looked back. There's a *lot* of 
functionality there.

steveo at syslang dot net TMMP1 http://frambors.syslang.net/
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