Steven W. Orr said:
> On Sunday, Aug 3rd 2003 at 19:04 -0400, quoth Derek Doucette:
> =>> By making the archive only open to subscribers, we completely
> eliminate =>>  any address harvesting.
> =>
> =>I think that a better solution would be to find a way to strip the
> e-mail =>addresses.  I don't know how many times I have found solutions
> by running =>a google search and coming up with a solution in a mailing
> list archive.  =>This is esp. true with linux related materials.
> Why is this better than restricting the archives to subscribers? Anyone
>  who wants to browse the archives can subscribe and do it. At least
> we're  assured that they won't be a robot.
But by not having a robot hit the archives, that also means that spiders
would also not get through, therefore leaving the information out of the
search engines and not at my disposal.

Derek Doucette

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