On Sat, 2 Aug 2003, at 11:52pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> It should be possible to participate in a public forum without being
> forced to reveal your private information.

  I don't consider an email address private information in this context,
given that, when you post to a public list, you are broadcasting your email
address to the list.

  I disagree with X-no-archive on principle.  Simply put, a public list is,
well, public.  You don't get to choose who sees them; that's what "public"
means. If you don't want your posts to be seen, don't post.

  I note, with irony, those who do not post can still make use of the list

  I rather suspect people who try and keep their public messages from being
public have no qualms about using public archives to solve their own
problems.  I find that attitude selfish and distasteful.  (I don't "publicly
and strenuously object" to it, though.)

  I don't think trying to control access to an email address you broadcast
publicly is a reasonable proposition.  Sooner or later, the secret *does*
get out, and when that happens, the game is over.

  Archiving a list is a complete separate function from managing the list.  
Anyone who wants to can archive this list -- it is a public list.  The fact
that the list operators are also operating an archive does not mean it
cannot be found elsewhere.

  I *would* prefer it if the archives at mail.gnhlug.org had automatic
spam-guards.  That works for everything, and not just when people choose not
to mention an email address.  But I'm not going to get broken up over it.

  For that matter, there is nothing to keep a spammer from subscribing to
the list and harvesting directly.

  Myself, I realize that participating in a public forum opens myself up to
certain abuses.  I make the conscious choice: I can participate, and reap
whatever rewards there may be, or I can abstain, and lose whatever rewards
there may be.  I don't expect to have my cake and eat it too.

  I'm a victim of spam, too.  I don't blame others for distributing my email
address when I freely give it out, though.

  Derek (and others), I'd hate to see you go, but (for the reasons described
above), I think you're fighting a loosing battle anyway.  If you're that
worked up over the fact that someone else might see your email address, you
really should not be posting publicly, here or anywhere.

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