We've been talking a lot about Linux on the desktop these days.  I'm
curious about what applications people find to be lacking on Linux.
These can range from some small configuration utility that you wish
existed, to some monumental colossus of a software package.

To answer my own question, these days I've been messing around with
making movies...  I'd really like to see something like Adobe Premier,
or even (cough) Windows Movie Maker, available for Linux.  I did look
into video editing packages for Linux, but they all seemed generally
lacking, broken, or otherwise deficient.

The oft-mentioned example of GIMP vs. Photoshop (which I'll henceforth
call GvP) is an example of a case where a decent app exists in a given
space, but doesn't compete with its commercial counterpart.  I'm
particularly curious about this segment of applications.

If you feel like it, also mention what you think it will take to make
the apps you mention available for Linux.  Or in the GvP case, what is
needed to get the Linux alternative up to snuff.

Derek D. Martin
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