In a message dated: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 09:26:48 EST
Brian Chabot said:

>Kevin D. Clark wrote:
>> Greg Rundlett writes:
>>>A decent file comparison and merge tool.
>> FYI: I use "ediff" mode under emacs for this all the time and I am
>> very happy with this tool.  This mode handles directory trees and
>> three-way merges as well.  And, if I have to massage the code a tiny
>> bit after applying a diff, I can just resort to using the emacs
>> commands that I know very well at this point.
>Aunt Tillie says she can't understand Emacs.

I get the distinct impression that Aunt Tillie isn't using Linux, nor 
is she doing a 3-way merge of anything :)

>Seriously, though it works great, this is not a tool for the masses. 
>Kate sure, Kwrite yup.  OOWriter, of course, but not Emacs.

If you have need to do a three-way merge, you can handle Emacs.  You 
may not be *willing* to, but that's a different problem.  Emacs is 
powerful and as a result, it can be intimidating, but if you're going 
to do a lot of editing of any kind, there is no better tool.  Even if 
you need to write a book, I'd argue that you'd be better off writing 
the book in Emacs first, then importing into a word/document 
processing tool at the end to format it.

It may not be the way most people do things, but I'm willing to bet 
if most took the time to try it, they'd find they were more 
productive in the end.

>How about a nice, universal package manager? Not Alien, but something 
>more userfriendly.   Something that will automatically figure out 
>recursive layers of dependencies, search all kinds of archives for them, 
>and do it all automagically (with just user confirmation...)

Like apt? ;)

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        It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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