>     I've always seen the GIMP vs. Photoshop issue as one primarily due to
> the monopoly-like dominance of Photoshop.  That combined with factors like
> quirky UI, the lack of an "official" Windows GIMP port, and the fact that
> the users of these programs typically aren't the deepest, meant that the
> GIMP didn't get much traction.  This amazes me because the documentation
> the GIMP is first-rate.

Docs mean nothing usually.. Users don't want to read docs, they want to use
software :)

>     With GIMP v2 the user interface is supposed to have been totally
>   I haven't played with v2 so I can't say (Has anyone? If so, comments?).
> If the UI is improved perhaps that combined with the GIMP's increasing
> standardized usage in the animation industry might mean it could finally
> make some serious headway.  But still, I'm not holding my breath... :-)

After reading this I went searching for screenshots of Gimp2 and I found
some here:


It looks -VERY- nice and I would totally use this over Photoshop since it
now has a more "Photoshopesque" interface.

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