At the last meeting at Martha's Exchange, Rob Lembree spoke about doing a presentation on the GIMP 2.0 (which was just released, and is now at 2.0.1).

I've been hard at work getting my presentation put together, and improving my GIMP skills so that I can do a great job on the presentation. I would like to start announcing the meeting, and really aim to get a large attendance at the meeting -- giving as much publicity as possible for GNHLUG, GIMP and Free Software in general.

The focus of my presentation on GIMP 2.0 is on the user who wants to learn what can you do with free software design tools (specifically GIMP and touch on the subject of what other tools like Blender and are available). Note that GIMP 2.0, and other tools *are* available for Windows and MacIntosh, so it's not only intended for a Linux audience.

Since the date is only two weeks away, I would like to get feedback from the whole list.

I thought I should create some graphic flyers to 'advertise' the meeting. I was thinking of themes like "Stand out from the crowd, learn design on free software" Anyway, what are your thoughts on getting good attendence, and starting announcements now? Would you be interested to print flyers and post them somewhere if artwork were provided?

Are there any other outlets you can tap into to spread the word about the meeting? I actually have a complete press contact list for the state of NH, but prefer to make contacts through 'word of mouth' so if you participate in any other groups, please spread the word. Anyone interested in making an announcement about the meeting should wait until we have the meeting announcement message drafted (by tomorrow?). I want to coordinate with Rob Lembree and/or Dave Long to ensure that everything is setup.

I'm wondering specifically if we should have a RSVP setup in case attendance exceeds capacity.

My updated presentation is attached if you want to look at it and give feedback. I will not do all the tutorials, but they are listed for your convenience. I would like to know what level of GIMP user you are, so I can focus on doing appropriate demonstrations.

All suggestions, feedback and participation are welcome!

- Greg

We are 'Open' for Business
Free and Open Source Software
(978) 270-2425
Real software engineers don't debug programs, they verify correctness.
This process doesn't necessarily involve execution of anything on a
computer, except perhaps a Correctness Verification Aid package.

Attachment: presentation_gimp2.0.sxw
Description: OpenOffice Writer document

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