On Thu, 15 Apr 2004, at 1:55pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I would like to start announcing the meeting ...

  Maybe I'm just picky, but I think meeting announcements should generally
include the date, time, and location of the meeting.  ;-)

  (Yes, I realize you mentioned MELBA, but one would have to know the
details about MELBA (like what it is), and their regular meeting schedule,
which is far from self-explanatory.)

  Is the following correct?  If it is, I will post it on the GNHLUG home
page (which anyone else can do, too, BTW).

  What : GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) 2.0
  Who  : Greg Rundlett
  Date : Wed 28 Apr 2004
  Time : Presentation at 7:30 PM (dinner starts around 6 PM)
  Place: Martha's Exchange, Nashua, NH

  (FWIW, I'm interested in the presentation, although I don't think I will
be able to make the Wednesday date.  Perhaps an encore presentation at one
of the other LUGs?)

> Anyway, what are your thoughts on getting good attendence, and starting
> announcements now?

  I'd say go for it.  We're frankly pretty short on time, but anything is
significantly better then nothing.

> I actually have a complete press contact list for the state of NH ...

  If you've got it, use it.  :)

> I'm wondering specifically if we should have a RSVP setup in case
> attendance exceeds capacity.

  Given GNHLUG meeting attendance over the past year or so, I highly doubt
we will have to worry about that.  :)

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