On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 20:14, Steven C. Peterson wrote:
> the only other way i can think of restricting access within the 
> restaurant is to use directional antennas.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated
> Steven

That would not be perfect.

One way that occured to me is to have one-off access codes generated for
the patrons. They can get a free access code, log in, peruse the
Internet, and throw it away. The code could last a day, a few hours, or
what have you. 

This should not be too hard to set up if there is a Linux server sitting
between the WiFi transceiver/router and the Internet. Would probably
have to hack the DHCP server a bit and have a script update the routing
tables once the proper code was received, etc.

This approach would also discourage abuse of the service, since the
patron must ask for the code in person.

This sounds like a fun little weekend project. Phone me if you are

Fred Mitchell, HydraNuke.com
E-Commerce and Hosting Solutions 
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