On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 11:25:44AM -0500, Fred wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-12-16 at 09:42, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
> ...
> > On a more Linux-y angle, has anyone tried out Trac 
> > (http://trac.edgewall.com/
> > <http://freshmeat.net/redir/trac/48128/url_homepage/trac.edgewall.com>), 
> > a sort of ticket tracker/front end for Subversion.  I'm interested in 
> > possibly giving it a go, but between Subversion, which I've never set 
> > up, and Trac on top of it, it'll be a bit of an investment, and was 
> > hoping someone had some input.
> Speaking of Subversion, I'd love to hear from those who use it on a
> regular basis what REAL (read: beyond the hype) advantages it has to
> offer over CVS. I've grown quite fond of CVS, but it has its limits. I
> understand converting from CVS to Subversion can be a bit tricky,
> especially if you have forks in the development tree.
> I'd love to hear anything you have to say. Thanks.

My biggest plus was the "ease of use" aspect: I've never successfully
set up a CVS pserver with access from outside the machine, while with
Subversion, it was pretty simple. (I'm not sure how hard it is in
general, but Gentoo made installing it easy.)

I don't have a lot of experience with anything in subversion or 
CVS beyond the "check in, check out, review history" aspects. The
only thing that I care about is how much work I have to put into
it to make it work, and that was pretty small with Subversion,
where it didn't seem to be for CVS.

Christopher Schmidt

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