On Mon, 2005-05-09 at 20:47 -0400, Paul Lussier wrote:

> But the real problem is that the Dept. of Homeland Security is likely
> going to be the one to drive the requirements, and they've already
> stated several times that they want these to be RFID and remotely
> readable!  I don't know about you, but I don't want anybody with an
> RFID reader to be able to scan my information without my knowledge!

Keep in mind that your microwave oven can be your best friend in the
defense against RFIDs.

> And, even if it's only a magstrip, I don't want the clerks at the
> liquor store, or the store owners to have access to my identity that
> easily.  Especially if it means they might suddenly realize they can
> harvest this information and start selling it to marketing firms.

And a deguasser is your best friend there. However, none of these would
be effective against bar codes.

If you haven't noticed, there is a bar code on the back of your NH DL,
as well as a mag stripe.

The reality is we already have a de-facto "National ID card" -- it's
your Drivers License. That, coupled to the National Registry and other
databases is the equivalent. 

I found this out the hard way once when I crossed into Canada, and the
Canadian customs ran my DL and pulled up a 5-year-old case of
"disorderly conduct" in which I was found not-guilty. Didn't matter.
They harassed me about it anyway.

National ID? Your DL is a de-facto *International* ID card. :-(

Our freedoms went bye-bye long ago. Only now that fact is becoming
painfully obvious.

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