"Ken D'Ambrosio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So, regarding x86-64, yeah, MS is pretty late to the party.

Ahm, but isn't that *exactly* what MS Excels (pun intended ;) at?
Seriously, they've been late to *every* single part to hit the
computing world:

 Windows                X Windows and Macs had them long before MS
 Integrated Apps        Gates has been quoted they'd never sell
                        (I believe there was Star(Calc,word... back in
                        the DOS days)
 Internet               MSN is where the future was supposed to be
 Groupware              Lotus Notes
 Downloadable music     iTunes
 Web browsers           Netscape

Honestly, I can't think of single where MS has been first in anything.
But from a business perspective, that's genius.  Let everyone else
make all the mistakes, spend all the time, effort, and money
convincing the world this new thing is a great idea.  Then, when the
world is finally convinced they need this new thing, but that all
current implementations aren't good enough, release what you've been
working on the whole time.

It's worked for them for the last almost 30 years, why stop now?

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