A project has been started to enhance GNHLUG's Internet presence.
The initial focus of this project will be to configure and deploy a
new server. The plan is the server will eventually host the GNHLUG web
and mailing list servers, as well as be home to future GNHLUG ideas.

  To make this happen, we need help! We need people who have
experience with Linux/Unix system administration. This is more than
just a need for manpower. We want to make this project a group effort,
with the explicit goal of making this a case study in "How to do Linux
right". So if you've got good *nix system administration experience,
or even just know a few things that might help, please consider
joining our effort!

  Initially, things we will be using include: SSH, Apache, Sendmail,
TWiki, GNU Mailman.

  In the future, we may also use: Postfix, PHP, Python, Zope, Plone,
*SQL, and whatever else brings something useful to the table.

  If you think you might be interested in joining, visit:



-- Ben Scott, GNHLUG Server Project Coordinator
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