On Monday 13 March 2006 2:47 pm, Dan Jenkins wrote:
> I was talking to someone (a middle-school teacher) at a party over the
> holidays who mentioned his school's "computer science" class. I was
> curious what programming languages they taught. He assured me that they
> didn't allow hacking at all. After a short discussion, I discovered he
> apparently did not know that computer software was written by people
> using programming languages.
Computer Software is not written by people. It is written by those of us who 
have achieved a state of deity. 

> (I didn't try to find out where he thought 
> it came from.) So, their "computer science" class doesn't teach, nor
> allow, programming at all. I just went to get another drink; it wasn't
> worth the effort to explain otherwise.
You were probably correct to get another drink, but that guy is probably 
typical of those who teach about computers in our public schools. 

About 10 years ago, home computers were pretty much beyond the reach of most 
public school teachers. It has only been since then that many have been 
able to afford them. Additionally, it is difficult for school systems to 
keep their equipment maintainable and reasonably up-to-date. 
Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Boston Linux and Unix user group
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