On Wednesday 14 February 2007 07:36 am, Paul Lussier wrote:
> Neil Joseph Schelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > My own server at home uses only Courier and procmail.  Were I to
> > rebuild it now, I'd use Cyrus/Sieve in a heartbeat.
> Ooh! As a long-time (and I mean damn near since the epoch here :)
> procmail user, I've been waiting for someone to come along who knew
> both procmail and sieve and could provide a fair comparison.
> I've not had the time nor the inclination/reason to learn sieve yet.
> My understanding is it's good enough to make IMAP worth using if
> you've been used to the benefits provided by procmail, if not
> everything procmail is.
> Could you provide such a comparison from a procmail user's perspective?
> I'd certainly appreciate it...
> Thanks.

My procmail scripts are relatively simple.  They pipe messages through my spam 
(spamc) and virus filters (clamfilter.pl).  Then they sort messages into 
Maildir folders based on finding or not finding headers.  Obviously, messages 
detected as spam are put in my spam, viruses are dropped, and various mailing 
lists are put in folders intended for that list.

I don't have that piping functionality in Sieve, and I don't know if that's 
because I use AvelSieve (SquirrelMail plugin) to manage my sieve scripts or 
if it's because Sieve doesn't do that.  It's never been a problem, because I 
generally do the spam and virus checks in the MTA now.  I suppose you could 
tell a filter to forward a message to another address and then have that 
address pipe into a script if you wanted to take that approach.

Ultimately, I find Sieve a lot more user-friendly at least.  Anything 
complicated in procmail requires a lot of man page work and of course a 
little crossing fingers when you save it.  I especially like that it's 
handled by the local delivery agent (Cyrus in this case) rather than the MTA 
as it is at home for me, but obviously at home the MTA is the local delivery 
agent as well.
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