> Binary: My understanding is that a 32-bit binary can be run under
> a 64-bit kernel, but you need a 32-bit environment to do so.
> So any libraries the binary depends on also need to be built (for
> x86-32) and installed in parallel with their x86-64 counterparts.
> I could be wrong on this; I haven't verified the information's
> authenticity, and I certainly haven't tried it.

IIRC, a while back there was much gnashing of teeth about how
they hadn't quite dealt w/all the places where a 32bit app
(along w/its various 32bit libs) and the 64bit kernel might
disagree on the layout of various data structures, which
is important since a number of syscalls involve pointers to
structures in the caller's address space.  I assume (hope)
this is old news by now...
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