On Sun, 2007-03-25 at 14:55 -0500, Bill Mullen wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Mar 2007 13:16:12 -0400
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Freeman) wrote:
> > >   Analog is the word there.  :-)  I was referring to HD TV via
> > > DirecTV.  And unfortionatly, the only solution which is coming out for
> > > this is lead by Microsoft in a Microsoft/DirecTV partnership.

Well, actually there are plenty of cheap cards that will take

>Composite video (single cable, typically colored yellow)

standard definition and convert it into Digital for storage, so even if
it was scrambled you could capture it as it was to go into your "TV" and
record it for later.

But over time, as ATSC SD becomes "passe", and the price of HDTV sets continue
to fall, more and more channels will probably fall to being scrambled because
they are "premium, HD" channels.

> > I continue to thank the gods that TV has nothing worth watching which
> > also benefits from HD.  Of course, they'll eventually stop broadcasting
> > NTSC format video at all, and then I'll be screwed.

I could see National Geographic, the History Channel, SCIFI and lots of others
eventually going that route.  Then after a while you will find that you
have to "pay per view" for all of them, unless you really like watching just
the "Three Stooges" (and don't ask me which ones they are) all your life.

Ben, should we sing in unison now?


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