On 3/25/07, Thomas Charron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The problem is, someone needs to stand up and say 'this ain't

 This hearkens back to the wireless phone carrier subthread I
accidentally started.

 As long as people continue to subscribe to the service as it is now,
DirectTV Inc has no incentive to change their ways.

 If people refused to pay for service they couldn't record
themselves, I can guarantee this problem would disappear.

 Alas, getting that to happen appears to be very difficult.  Part of
it is because most people just don't understand the technology.  Part
of it is because closed software is so common that most people don't
even know there is another way.  But mostly, it's because most people
are sheep, and do what they are told.  The media cartel says they're
not allowed to do what they want, so the sheep say "Okay, here's my
money anyway."

 Of course, I note that the parent poster is still a subscriber.  I'm
sure his reasoning is that he alone cannot make a difference, and he'd
rather take what he can get.  I've used the same reasoning myself in
other matters.  It may even be true.  But none of that changes the
fact that it ultimately guarantees we lose...

"One day I feel I'm ahead of the wheel / And the next it's rolling over me"
                                                 -- Rush, "Far Cry"
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