To use a really bad analogy: If you want to argue that homicide
should not be illegal, I don't have a problem with that (as the server
operator).  But I would object to anyone giving instructions on how to
kill others and get away with it, or links to same.  I'd also frown
upon anyone claiming they commit homicide on a regular basis.

Sometimes I kill.   I look up their id, and issue the command:
# kill {id}

Sometimes I really kill, with extreme prejudice:
# kill -9 {id}

It's ok, usually, as I'm above the law, when I'm root. Permissions
don't matter to me.
I'm a unix god!

I'd link to the man page someplace on the Internet, but Ben wouldn't
like that. (grin)
And I'm sure linking to
is just going way way too far.
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