Ben Scott wrote:
On 4/1/07, David A. Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I would also do an "/sbin/ifconfig" on your ethernet interface (probably
eth0).  Check for non-zero and growing counts in the errors, dropped,
and overruns fields.  While the system is idle repeat the ifconfig
separated by 30 seconds and see if the RX or TX packet counts are
growing by large numbers.


    watch -d -n 30 ifconfig eth0

Cool command! I have it running on both eth0 and eth1. Nothing unexpected. eth1 is tied to the world - despite 100K packets or so no errors no drops nor overruns. eth0 is tied to the HDHomerun. Right now nothing is running on eth0. No errors, drops or overruns.

 That "watches" the "ifconfig eth0" command, and refreshes it every
30 seconds, highlighting differences.  Use [CTRL]+[C] to cancel out.

-- Ben
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