> From: Paul Lussier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 00:08:57 -0400
> Cc: gnhlug-discuss@mail.gnhlug.org

> >> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin D. Clark)
> >> Date: 28 Jun 2007 17:22:22 -0400
> >
> >> From: "Joe Redshaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Subject: [NH Jobs List] Job: Network/Database Administrator - Manchester
> >> Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 18:21:25 -0000
> >> 
> >> If you are interested, please e-mail me a formal resume attached to 
> >> a Word Document and then we can set up a time to speak. If you know 

> >> My Client is looking for a highly motivated and creative individual 
> >> to manage and maintain all aspects of their Linux based server 
> >> network and PostgreSQL databases.  They provide a highly automated 
> > Is this a joke?  Is this solicitation meant seriously?
> Why wouldn't it be?  The world runs on Windows and Office.  This is

I have to ask: If a company doesn't understand what "Linux" is, do
they really want a Linux tech?  Why would you want to work for a
company that doesn't understand your skill?  How would such a company
competently evaluate candidates and choose who is most qualified?
Maybe it's not a joke.  But it sounds equally ridiculous to me.  If
they're really looking for an M$ nerd who only pretends to know
"Linux", that's what they're going to find with advertising like that.

> Doing so, especially publicly, provides both a bad impression of you
> specifically, and of the Free/Open Source community more generally,
> as arrogant and opinionated.

That would be accurate. ;)

> This person is looking for help, not snarky retorts.

Looking for help they are indeed.  For starters, someone should
(politely, if necessary) inform Mr. Redshaw that "Linux" is not a
Windows program...
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