Kevin D. Clark wrote:
> Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I hope he didn't subscribe our jobs list to! (I guess
>> we'll find out if he did).
> No, he did not. 
> I simply manually forwarded this mail to the gnhlug-jobs list, because
> I genuinely thought that somebody subscribed to this list might find
> this to be useful.
Ah. OK. Thanks. *I* believe you did the "right thing".
> I left some of the mailing-list spew at the end of the posting in the
> message so that others could subscribe to this list if they wanted
> to.
Good idea. We don't want to forget about helping those on our lists that
are job-seeking.

I didn't realize the gnhlug-jobs list was being actively moderated. The
message looked like it came straight from I guess I
should have looked at all the headers.

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