On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 9:35 PM, Ben Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 6:09 PM, Jeff Kinz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >  Comcast just nailed my port 25 access.
>  >  Can't telnet to port 25 anywhere that I've tried ...
>   Inbound (to you), outbound, or both?
Both - and I've had it tested by externals scans which I have verified that
the same people who cannot reach my port 25 can still reach my port 22 and
my port 80 as well using grc.com's silly scan tool :-)
I can't telnet  to port 25 anywhere I've tried, even though I can telnet to 22,
100, 587  at the same addresses. But of course, they may all have port
25 shut off.

>   FWIW, I don't seem to be blocked on TCP/25, in or out, in Dover, NH.
>  > My current inbound load is about 3MB, 400 or so emails per day.
>   I suspect that's high enough to get on their radar.
No, thats inbound traffic and it used to be over 8 Mb a day but I
dropped off the
the LKML and Fedora lists.  Inbound traffic never bothered comcast.
The two times I went over 200 small test nessages outgoing - they
noticed immediately.
>  > And I can't seem to get Comcast to remove the port 25 block as it
>  >  is rumored some have done.
>   The surest way to do that is to upgrade to their "business" service.
>   ToS allows you to host services.  In particular, TCP/25 blocks will
>  be removed.  Prices vary with speed, SLA, location, phase of the moon,
>  etc., but in Amesbury, MA, I think we're paying $64/month for 6 down/2
>  up (Mbit/sec) with one static address.

No.   Never.   Especially after spending an hour and a half on the phone
with their tech support manager today who basically lied to my face
over and over again.  Did you know that comcast doesn't block
port 25?

I WOULD  pay $64 a month to {This scenario has been classified by DHS
for strategic use at Guantanomo Bay } Comcast.

I'd rather poke my self in the arse with a gasoline soaked flaming
porcupine then pay comcast more money. (of course for some people
thats apparently some kind of foreplay... )   :-)
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