> Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 16:22:22 -0400 (EDT)
> From: "Steven W. Orr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: gnhlug-discuss@mail.gnhlug.org

> =>Hi all,
> =>Comcast just nailed my port 25 access.
> =>Can't telnet to port 25 anywhere that I've tried, but port 587 seesm to
> =>be working lots of places.
> Talk to comcast. RCN did this ages ago and now they get an extra 
> $20/month from me for a "static ip address". It's not really static but it 
> allows outbound 25 and  inbound 80.

Forget about paying, even.  All they have to do is "permit" port 25
traffic (that's "PERmit" with stress on the first syllable, not
"perMIT" with stress on the last syllable).  i.e., license it:

Block port 25 for every subscriber until they apply for a port 25
usage permit.  Then unblock the port.  If they abuse port 25, just
yank their permit and re-block the port.

Alternatively, they could just adopt net neutrality as company policy.
Now there's an idea.
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