On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 10:12 PM, Jeff Kinz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> My current inbound load is about 3MB, 400 or so emails per day.
> >   I suspect that's high enough to get on their radar.
> No, thats inbound traffic ...

  So?  Their ToS explicitly prohibit hosting services.  Sometimes they
even enforce it.

> ... it used to be over 8 Mb a day ...

  I've noticed that a lot of people seem to assume that just because
they got away with someone once, or even a bunch of times, that it
follows that they will always be able to get away with it.  :)

  I'm not saying that inbound traffic is what triggered your recent
trouble, just that past behavior has little bearing on what Comcast
(hardly a model of consistency at the best of times) does this week or

>  he two times I went over 200 small test nessages outgoing - they
>  noticed immediately.

  Outbound traffic tends to attract attention earlier, since that's
usually spam from a compromised 'doze computer.

>>> And I can't seem to get Comcast to remove the port 25 block as it
>>>  is rumored some have done.
>> The surest way to do that is to upgrade to their "business" service.
>  No.   Never.

  Well, then, I'm guessing you'll keeping getting what you've got.  :-)

  You can keep the porcupine.  ;-)

-- Ben
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