On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 9:58 AM, kenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bind ssh to two ports: 22 and a non standard port
> In my firewall rules I specifically allow certain IP's to connect to port
> 22.

  One variant of that strategy is to run the real SSH on some
non-standard port, and then run a sentry on 22, so that anyone trying
to connect to 22 is automatically blacklisted.

  For the truly paranoid, use port-knocking and a non-standard SSH
port.  And, of course, monitor the firewall logs, so that anyone
probing other ports, or anyone probing the non-standard SSH port
without knocking first, gets blacklisted.

  I'm content with running SSH on a non-standard port, and if at all
feasible, requiring public keys (no passwords).  The non-standard port
seems to stop pretty all the stuff commonly found in the wild.  (A
specifically targeted attack would use a port scan, of course, but
that would at least stand out in the logs.)

  And, of course, if you're running Debian or Ubuntu, regenerate all
your keyspairs...  :-(

-- Ben
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