On 6/16/08, Charlie Farinella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had set the iroute directive earlier and was able to ping through to
> the secondary interface from the server, but not from the other
> clients.  Pushing the route has now allowed the other clients to see
> the interface as well.  Thank you.  :-)
> My last remaining obstacle is allowing the packets to be forwarded
> through OpenBSD's packet filter.  I will do some reading and hopefully
> will have this up and running soon.
> Thanks to everyone, you guys are "it".  :-)


  *Semi OT comment*

  This is one area where I've always felt that OpenSource applications
generally suffer.  More often then not, most commercial operating
systems present most of these sort of things with some sort of
graphical configuration interface to the configuration files.  Granted
there are pushes to 'polish' most modern Linux distros, I'd be really
nice for some sort of centralized graphical configuration which is at
least semi intuative.  I came to the above information as I actually
have routes set up in a simular manner, but configured them via
pfSense's front end, which actually has intuative configuration
screens for this sort of thing.

  I know, I know.  distros have in the past provided some means of
graphically configuring things.  But they all seem to have been
stopgaps to provide something, and not one unified interface.  Webmin
did a pretty good job at this thinking about it, but they never seemed
to 'kick it to the next level'.  Just thinking out loud I suppose...

-- Thomas
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