>>  This from the guy who brought core memory to a LUG show-and-tell.
>>You always end up topping all the "I remember when" conversations.  No
>>fair starting them, too.  ;-)

>Sorry Ben, I really don't mean it to be a contest.  I just do it every
>once in a while to put some reality back into what has become a very
>surreal industry.

Bummer.  Then I won't mention the 10 MB Corvus disk I bought for my Heathkit
H89 (running C/PM).  The $3,000 included the interface card.  That was the
first hard drive I wrote the check for.

>I know there are guys on the list who can top my "$128,000.00 purchase
>of 64 Kilobytes of core in 1978" story.  Come to think about it, even I
>can top it. :-)

Must've been good core, a dollar a byte was a good deal in the early 70s.

We used to make comparisons like "If the automobile industry had improved
at the same rate as computers...."  It's been a long time since that made
any sense - a car would travel at Mach 10, seat 1,500, get 500 mpg, and fold
up and fit in your shirt pocket.
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